Ticket sale for International Music Festival Koblenz starts today
Despite the Corona crisis, there will be an edition in 2020 as well – though under different cirumstances. Under the motto “Klänge des Lichts” (sounds of light), the IMUKO 2020 will take place as a series of mostly open-air concerts at the most beautiful venues along the Rhine Valley and the Rheingau (July 4 – September 29), such as the cloister of Kloster Eberbach, in the park of Schloss Burg Namedy and the open air theater at the Loreleyblick Maria Ruh.
Especially in times like this, the team around Benedict Kloeckner feels obliged to make culture possible. Everyone needs and is longing for a “gleam of hope”. The programme can be understood as an answer to the current challenges that we are all facing due to the Corona crisis, an intercultural dialogue which encompasses three centuries and six continents.
Stars such as Benjamin Grosvenor, Hyeyoon Park, Tianwa Yang and Kirill Troussov, innovative artists such as Yury Revich, Danae Dörken and Louis Schwizgebel and even a virtuoso of the “Hardanger Fiddle” will be part of this year’s special edition of the IMUKO.
The safety concept meets the requirements of the public authorities and was developed by Sebastian Marschner, technical director of the Dresden Music Festival and the Festspiele Mecklenburg Vorpommern.
The ticket sale starts today, June 10. According to the regulations of the public authorities, a ticket sale in advance is mandatory, there is no chance to visit a concert spontaneously. Tickets can be achieved at
Ticket Regional; Hotline:+49 (0)651 – 97 90 777.
The concerts will be streamed live, and online tickets for this can be bought at the platform StageHub.
The concert on September 5, 2020 “Opus 8” is an ecemption, though, tickets can be ordered via Oraniensteiner Konzerte.
The complete programme is available here.