Vera-Lotte Boecker: Role and house debut as DAPHNE at the Staatsoper Unter den Linden Berlin
“Vera-Lotte Boecker …, whose radiant singing, ethereal even in the upper realms, possesses the kind of pure beauty, grace and naturalness that makes one a willing captive.” …”But they are all outshone by the luminous power of Vera-Lotte Boecker in the title role. It allows the soprano to emancipate herself from the surrounding characters at a vocal level as well, and when she starts her final vocalise, which (insists) on the target key of F-sharp major (…) for what seems an eternity, the entire auditorium is enveloped in a scintillating, almost mystical lustre.”
Opernwelt, Jürgen Otten
“She came, she sang”, “Vera-Lotte Boecker is not only an outstanding soprano, she also plays stunningly – now she is Richard Strauss’ “Daphne” at the Staatsoper Berlin.”
Süddeutsche Zeitung, Egbert Tholl
“In her long inaugural monologue, fantasticly sung by Vera-Lotte Boecker with an ideal voice for the original Strauss coloring, Daphne declares her love for nature, which is much more: it is an almost unbounded passion.”
Süddeutsche Zeitung, Helmut Mauró
“Her voice is as limber as clearly delineated and capable of a childlike glow, as the character of Daphne requires. That she also comes so close to Daphne’s lightness in performance makes her a stroke of luck for this role.”
FAZ, Clemens Haustein
“The scene belongs to Daphne alone, to singer Vera-Lotte Boecker, who dedicates herself devotedly to Castellucci’s ideas… . You have to watch her entranced, and her flawless, youthful yet golden-glowing soprano is beyond reproach.”
Frankfurter Rundschau, Judith von Sternburg
“Vera-Lotte Boecker pushes the limits and becomes the thrillingly honest center of this premiere.”
concerti, Roland H. Dippel
“Vera-Lotte Boecker can use her graceful soprano wonderfully […] she is the bright spot in this production.”
Berliner Morgenpost, Volker Blech
“Musically, the performance is a gem. Everywhere soloistic splendor […] while Vera-Lotte Boecker dominates the scene as an intense actress and musically with luminous cantilenas.”
Tagesspiegel, Sybill Mahlke
“Musically, the production is gratifying above all because of Vera-Lotte Boecker’s youthfully radiant Daphne, at the same time so confidently commanding her giant phrases…”
Berliner Zeitung, Peter Uehling
“In Vera-Lotte Boecker, the new Berlin production offered a first-class Daphne, whose characteristic soprano voice with its silvery bright timbre floated effortlessly above the orchestra, but also brought enough power and refinement for the famous, increasingly rapturous final song.”
Opernglas, Ursula Ehrensberger
“Vera-Lotte Becker has already won all the hearts of the audience, so warm and rich in color, so intense and indulgent is her singing.”
klassikinfo, Bernd Feuchtner